Once upon a time, a dreamer saw a land of wilderness and red mud, and imagined a haven for dance, and thus was born the idea of Nrityagram, which literally means dance-village. In a world that did not know what a woman entrepreneur meant, Protima Gauri single-handedly strove to make the dream real, fueled by a sense of adventure and a commitment to artistic excellence.
Today, Nrityagram is a thriving collective of artistes dedicated to the practice and nurture of Odissi, a 2000-year-old classical dance of India. The village is home to a School inspired by the Gurukula, an ancient teaching paradigm, and an internationally renowned Dance Ensemble.
Our mission is to nurture dance professionals through the gurukula system, perform on a global stage and forge a community through outreach.
We aspire to be a dynamic artistic community that practises and upholds the holistic traditions associated with the classical arts of India. A place that nurtures artistic growth and exchange, and enables deeper connections between people and art, beyond political, social and cultural differences.